Samajik Karyakarta Parishad

We Help all people

Creating Pathways to Knowledge

We are a non-governmental organization dedicated to making a positive impact on society. Our mission is to empower individuals, uplift communities, and foster social change. Join us in our efforts to create a better and more inclusive world.

Books Distributed
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People Helped
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Patients Examined
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Opening doors to education

Samajik Karyakarta Parishad” is a charitable organization established in 1965 with a mission to empower underprivileged children through education. Under the visionary leadership of Mr. Anand Prakash Jain, it has expanded its services, providing educational resources, scholarships, and community outreach programs. Our journey began with a modest collection of just ₹300, which allowed us to procure both new and used booksThe organization’s impact is reflected in the success stories of students who have received support, becoming accomplished individuals in various fields.

Our Core Campaigns

Health Check-up Camps

We are dedicated to making a positive impact on communities through our health check-up camps. Our team of passionate healthcare professionals organizes regular camps, providing free and accessible health screenings to underserved populations. With a focus on preventive care, we strive to detect early signs of illness and promote overall well-being. Join us in our mission to create healthier and happier communities one check-up at a time.

Books & Stationary Distribution

We believe that education is a powerful tool for transforming lives. Our organization is dedicated to providing books and stationery to underprivileged children, enabling them to pursue their dreams and reach their full potential. Through our distribution programs, we strive to bridge the educational gap and empower these young minds with the resources they need to succeed. Join us in spreading the joy of learning and making a lasting impact on the lives of these deserving children.


At Smajik Karyakarta, our mission is to empower communities and improve lives by fostering sustainable development and addressing social, economic, and environmental challenges. We are committed to creating a positive impact through our diverse range of initiatives that aim to uplift the underprivileged and marginalized sections of society.


Our vision at Smajik Karyakarta is to build a world where every individual has equal access to opportunities and resources, regardless of their socio-economic background. We envision thriving communities with empowered individuals who can lead fulfilling lives and contribute positively to society.

Executive Committee

Our Sponsors